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Marketing Consulting 

Identify the blocks preventing your marketing from CONVERTING more customers and receive a strategy that has them REPEATEDLY hitting "BUY" instead.


You know you have a product/service

that is worthy of being in demand.

You are doing all the "right" things in marketing

(or at least you think you are),

but it feels like something is missing

You're getting in front of customers,

but you know more of them could be hitting "buy". 

You know it's not the product/service itself (because that's incredible!),

it's just that your marketing doesn't quite have kind of the

"wow" factor it is worthy of.

Let's find out why...


Most marketing...

 only targets the conscious mind.​

The Problem?

The subconscious makes 95% of decisions.​

That means that no matter how much you post, advertise or design, your marketing isn't going to actually translate into as many sales as your product/service is worthy of (or create superfans of your brand!). ​​

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My Approach?

5% Conscious + 95% Subconscious = 100% Sustainable Success​


For over a decade I've worked with brands across the globe to ensure their marketing not only matches the brilliance of their services, but also stands out in a crowded market. 

Using marketing psychology I go deeper and consider the way the human brain processes information and makes decisions. This means I know the secrets to people loving your brand.

I'm not here for the quick wins. I build strategies that last.

How Do I Do This?

In-depth Customer Psychology:

I dive deep into the desires and motivators of your customers to know exactly what will excite them about your service.

Standout Messaging:

I create a clear, compelling showcase of what makes you stand out so you become the "go-to" choice in your industry

Creating Superfans:

I develop comprehensive strategies that transform your customers into loyal superfans, ensuring sustainable success.

"Emma is exactly what our

business has been missing"

A strategy designed to skyrocket your success...

This is an actionable board that your whole team can be invited to. It's interactive, clear and easy to implement.


✓ Reviews of all your current marketing 

✓ Clear identification of gaps & actionable changes to make

✓ Suggestions for changes with real life-examples 

✓ Messaging improvements to copy & paste 

✓ Optionable: Done For You service to action all of the above

Brands That Have Benefited:

011 x 60 minute call to nail down the foundations to ensure your branding, messaging and targeting are clear and compelling. 

02. An audit of all content, sites and funnels to identify any gaps/areas creating blockages.


03A full content strategy including a website journey, funnel suggestions, content ideas and key messaging to brief to your team/agencies and action.

04Your questions answered. Anything that isn't made clear is ironed out so there is nothing stopping you going forward. 

The Strategy is Simple.

One Month. One Cost.


⭐A Glo'in Review

Popular skincare brand Lumi Glo came to me with a simple statement:  "Something is missing".

They were spending ££££ each month on ad agencies, social media managers, and email writers, and yet, they weren't having the kind of impact (and income) that they knew they were capable of.

Within 15 minutes of a call, the founder said to me "That's it. You're what we've been missing. You've found what none of the other agencies has been able to spot"

Want to know what the secret to
uncovering the missing piece was?

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"Emma is like no other marketing professional I've come across"

Start with a FREE mini audit

No strings attached:

simply let me identify the gaps holding your product/service back from being snapped up.

It's time to stop second-guessing/wasting time/throwing away money and instead,

revel in the joy of having SUPERFANS of your brand.. 

What Clients Are Saying...

What Clients Say

We hired a social media manager and whilst they posted nice content, we weren't really connecting to potential customers. From just the free audit alone we could see where we were going wrong. Hiring Emma to create our strategy was a game-changer. We stripped our entire content creation back and implemented the new strategy... sales started pouring in instantly! Incredible service.
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